Welcome to volume 1 issue 2 of Monthly Mineral Chronicles. This is a publication pulled together by a mineral collector for mineral collectors.
This 58 page full-colour issue travels through the US, UK, Canada, Czech Republic, Siberia, and Australia, and includes:
- A report on the Oxford Summer Show
- Tschermigite
- Another early Bisbee article – the Higgins and Twilight Mines
- In case you missed it
- On a different wavelength – more Convoy UV torch
- Update on the Minerals Heritage Museum, Queensland
- David K Joyce is in the Dealer Spotlight
- A report on the Buena Vista Contin Gem and Mineral Show
- Třenice Phosphate Locality
- In search of barwoodite
- Modern crystalline discoveries in Maine’s pegmatite district
- Mineralogy of Franklin and Ogdensburg book
This issue is now available at Kofi.
If you are a subscriber, and you haven’t received a link, please let me know.
I hope you continue to enjoy the journey.
Steve Sorrell