Monthly Mineral Chronicles Vol 4 No 5

Welcome to volume 4 issue 5 of Monthly Mineral Chronicles. This is a publication pulled together by a mineral collector for mineral collectors.

This month, in this 78 page full-colour issue, we have the following articles:

  • Prehnite Occurrence in the Chaillol Massif, France. On the hunt for prehnite and other minerals with Stephane in the French Alps.
  • The El Tigre Mine in the Chiricahua Mountains of SE Arizona. Join Rolf on a trip to the El Tigre and other mines in the Chiricahua Mountains, southeast Arizona.
  • Illustrated Minerals of Australia Volume 1, Part 3 – Anglesite to antimony. The next installment of a significant undertaking documenting the 1500 or so mineral species recorded in Australia.
  • Emerald – Gemstone of the Month
  • Mineral Snippet – Legrandite

Again this month, for many of the excellent images, is the ability to click on the image to bring up a larger version. Not only do you get a bigger version, but in some cases, the image you see published may be a cropped version.

This issue is now available at Kofi.

If you are a subscriber, and you haven’t received a link, please let me know.

I hope you continue to enjoy the journey.

Steve Sorrell